Short: 2013/14 Season for TV Sports Basketball Author: Anthony Iliakis Uploader: Anthony Iliakis <amiga phantom yahoo gr> Type: game/data Version: 1.0 Replaces: TVSBasketball_2012-2013.lha Architecture: generic Distribution: Aminet T.V. Sports Basketball 2013-2014 NBA Season This is the latest patch for the new 2013-2014 season for the NBA basketball simulation game T.V. Sports Basketball by Cinemaware. There are quite a few people still playing this masterpiece from Cinemaware, so why not playing it with the updated teams, rosters, attributes etc? This patch has nothing to do with Cinemaware, so bear that in mind. > DONATIONWARE This patch is considered donationware, due to heavy work to update all those rosters and attributes. If you find the patch useful, then please take some time to donate anything you want using my PayPal e-mail address at the bottom. This will encourage me to keep updating any game in the future; really appreciated. > INCLUDED IN THIS UPDATE * Correct teams * Correct coaches * Correct players * Correct heights * Updated players' stats to represent reality as close as possible * All transfers up to 31st of October 2013 since last season Please read the enclosed ReadMe file for further details and installation instructions. Enjoy!