Short:        AB3D level maps for Quake. w/ 68k engine
Author:       Abu_the_monkey
Uploader:     Ltheden aol com (Andrew Loft)
Type:         game/data
Version:      0.5
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Aminet

This requires a registered copy of Quake 1 to be installed on your system.
To install these map's copy the "map" dir into the "id1" dir where you have
Quake installed, launch Quake and type "map x" in the console and hit return.
where "x" is "a" - "p"

Or after unpacking, try the new (experimental) engine (68k only) by copying
your pak files into the dir "Qbreed/Id1" and launch the game with the icon
"Qbreed/GO_Qbreed" or to use the GUI "Quake"


compile a Quake replacment engine with extended coord system for 68k amigas
(works but needs work) continue updating/fixing the rest of the levels new
entities (wepons,aliens and other pickup items) replace the soundFX with ab3d


v0.5 13/20 just a new build of the Quake engine(#249) with some new features
           (colour lighting, alt palete, entity lighting, etc). not fast but
           looks nice and plays most BIG maps when enough ram is allocated.

v0.4 11/11 forth upload containing a new (experimental) game engine based on
           Quake68k by Frank Wille, (which requires MUI and a 68040/060) has
           extended coords thanks to code from John Fitz

v0.3 10/11 third upload containing levels a to p (only a & b have lighting,
           working doors/lifts and entities) also contains a "Qbreed mod" dir

v0.2 03/11 second upload containing level a & b (b still requires lighting

v0.1 01/11 first upload containing level a only