Short:        4 Custom Maps for Worms
Author:       Jan-Tore Eliassen
Uploader:     torge interlink no
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: generic


 Here are four Worms custom maps I pasted together from
 old Metal logos and stuff I made a couple of years back.

 I think they are equal as crap as the other custom maps
 I've seen on AmiNet. So I'm in good company!! ;)

 I think Worms have become 10 times better if Team17 had
 included a link option.
 Maybe it will be added in Worms 2?! 8)

  SCM-1.WRM - Well, what can I say about this map?
  SCM-2.WRM - A tribute to Alice Cooper...
  SCM-3.WRM - The Lemmings are back?! My little tribute
              to AC/DC and Lemmings.
  SCM-4.WRM - A tribute to Metallica...