Short:        Detailed version of the game Stratego.
Author: (George Hornmoen) & (Trevor Morris)
Uploader:     deimos fundy net (George Hornmoen)
Type:         game/board
Version:      1.2
Requires:     3.0+, 1Meg of CHIP RAM, approximately 2Meg of HD space
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is an authentic Amiga version of the classic boardgame, Stratego.
Stratego is a two player game in which you have an army of 40 pieces and
the objective is to capture your opponents flag to win the game.

Some of the many features it has are:
- Support for ECS/AGA/RTG with two graphics sets (16 colour and 256 colour)
- Multitude of audio samples
- Can run on it's own screen or on WorkBench
- Locale support (translators please contact us).
- Replaceable graphics and sample sets

- Save an unlimited number of your favorite team setups
- Save an unlimited number of games in progress
- 100% OS complient, with no known bugs or enforcer hits
- Multitasking, and almost entirely event driven (requires little CPU time)
- External ToolType editor

- The best "feature" of all - it's E-mailware, so it will only cost you an
e-mail to the authors.

Future Plans:
- TCP/IP support for Internet play
- AI support for 1 player mode

The support page for Stratego is  Here
you can find:

- On-line registration
- On-line bug report form
- HTML manual (included in this archive)
- Stratego language catalogs (as available)
- Latest screenshots and news

Please drop by!

George Hornmoen ( 10/03/1998