Short: Mini Metal Slug Project Author: Clément Corde, ported by Arti / ArtiGames Uploader: "Arti / ArtiGames" <arturjarosik gmail com> Type: game/actio Version: Requires: 040+(UAE/Vampire)/RTG Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 _____ __ .__ ________ / _ ________/ |_|__|/ _____/_____ _____ ____ ______ / /_ _ __ __ / _____ / _/ __ / ___/ / | | /| | | _ / __ | Y Y ___/ ___ ____|__ /__| |__| |__|______ (____ /__|_| /___ >____ > / / / / / / P R E S E N T S Mini Metal Slug Project [68k] PORTED BY ............ ARTI TYPE .............. SHOOTER Update 1: Now original soundtrack included + more original sounds Faster FPU version with reduced frame wait time Improved joystick/gamepad support Port notes: YM music player has been completly removed due to slowness on 68k. Music files and sfx used instead. 3 button gamepad/joystick recommended. Use Config tool to set buttons. Don't run it if you have less than 3 buttons. Requirements: 040+ CPU. PeterK's icon library for icons. It needs about 18 MB of RAM and ~15MB HD free space. Increase stack to at least 100000 in case staring problems. Try different AHI modes if still starting problems occurs. RTG set to 16 bit. (32bit mode displays wrong colors) Thanks: Bax for AMMX optimised libSDL BigGun for Apollo core and all Apollo Team! Commodore - For the development of Amiga OS 3.x SpotUp for "Spot's Porting for Dummies" good work HunoPPC for icons. Jan Zahurancik for great AmiKit and the AMIGA community Bugreports for AmigaOS3.x at arturjarosik <AT> gmail com Artur (Arti) Jarosik Mini Metal Slug Project. Done by Clément CORDE. Contact: All graphical content (c) Nazca Corp., SNK and PlayMore. Using rips by (in no particular order): Gussprint, The Mad Soldier, Random Rebel Soldier, C2000MC/Futaokuu, Random Talking Bush, Kevin Huff, Grey Wolf Leader, Goemar, Magma Dragoon, AzRaezel/Dan, The_Protagonist, Tk big_mickey_k, Grim, @$$h0l3 (what a nickname is that!?), Crazy Slug, Xezan... and some 'unsigned' rips. Hope I'm not forgetting anyone. Now using ST-Sound by Leonard/OXG (, and ST era music by David WHITTAKER. > Foreword: Hi there, After several breaks (to code a Bomberman, to ready myself for exams, aso...), here is finally the final version of my little project. I didn't manage to reach the quality I wanted to (I think it's not that bad either), but I already spent a lot of time on this program, and at the moment, I don't have so much time left. The biggest weakpoint is the sound. I only have a few WAV files, and I don't master Audacity, so I did what I could. In addition to this, I know dick in sound programming. Update: Added ST-Sound for music. You'll have to excuse a bit of a 'lame' finish as well... > Controls: - On the main menu, F1 to switch: 1 credit / 3 credits / infinite credits. Attention though, this doesn't work ingame on purpose. - F9: Toggle screen mode: Normal 320x224 / 2x 640x448 / TV2x 640x448. - F10: Toggle full screen / Windowed. - F12: Pause. - Up, down, left, right: Move. - Button A: Shot. - Button B: Jump. - Button C: Bomb. - Down + Button B to exit a vehicle. Default keys are the arrows keys, 'V' for Button A, 'C' for Button B and 'X' for Button C. When I released the preview, I had comments stating that my key's choice was not really good. So I made a little tool to allow people to set up their own controls. It's a very simple tool, but I didn't want to spend several hours to make a configuration menu in the game. I think that will do anyway. I also added joystick support. I only did some tests with an old stick (with some broken buttons) lended by a co-worker, but it seems to work. If a joystick is plugged in, the configuration tool will ask you for the 3 buttons to use (right after the keyboard configuration). Be careful to keep the 4 directions and 3 buttons, and not to set up the jump on 'up', that would make the game impossible to play on some levels. Note: When using a 32 bits color mode (or worse, 24 bits), the 2x and TV2x modes seems to use a lot time. I got a feeling that the 16 bits (the game video buffer) to 24/32 bits conversion by SDL is rather time-consuming. For maximum speed, I think it's better to use a 16 bits color mode. > "high.scr" file : Nope, this is not a screen saver, it's the high-scores file. You can delete it to reset the high-scores, a new file will be created. In the package, I put one of my scores on the first position. This score was obtained while playing without cheats. It's a little objective Dans le package, je vous ai mis un score Å• moi en premiÄre position, obtenu en jouant normalement sans cheats. Ca fait déjÅ• un petit objectif mÄ™me si je ne doute pas qu'on puisse faire mieux (Pour info, le score a été obtenu en finissant le jeu en 1 crédit). > Useful files : minislug.exe - The game, exe. minislug_cfg.exe - Configuration tool. mslug.cfg - Configuration fine (binary). high.scr - High-scores file (binary). <End of File>