Short:        Warp3D V4
Author:       The Warp3D team
Uploader:     Thomas Frieden <ThomasF hyperion-entertainment com>
Type:         driver/video
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup

This is release 4 of Warp3D, the driver system for 3D hardware on the

Currently, Warp3D supports the following graphics cards:
- CyberVision PPC (Permedia2 based)
- BlizzardVision PPC (Permedia2 based)
- CyberVision 3D (Virge based)
- Voodoo 3 (G-Rex and Prometheus)

Note: This archive does not contain Mediator-enabled drivers. These
are only available at Elbox's website (

Warp3D requires 3D hardware to be present. It will not run with
2D-only graphics cards, or AGA/ECS/OCS.