Short: FMdriverVHI - VHI-FrameMachine drivers Author: (Stefan Robl) Uploader: stefan qdev de (Stefan Robl) Type: driver/video Version: 1.25 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Description ----------- FMdriverVHI is a VHI driver for the FrameMachine video board. *** To use this driver, you also need to download the *** *** latest FMdriver-package which contains the *** *** FrameMachine hardware driver!!! *** The FMdriver-package also contains a full documentation of this new FrameMachine driver system. To get the FMdriver-package and the latest VHI-driver version, please visit my homepage: @{b}{ub} You find there much more interesting FrameMachine programs and other cool stuff... Distribution ------------ FMdriver is GIFTWARE. Basically, the new FrameMachine drivers are free. But don't forget that this VHI-driver is a result of a long and hard research/work. So if you use this software and want me to make further updates, it would be fair, that you send me a donation of your choice (money [e.g. $10] or other useful things like hardware, etc.). Author ------ Stefan Robl <> More infos about ArtecScan, the QBox, FMdriver, CGXBlanker, DPMSManager, AVL and my other Projects? Just visit my Homepage: Have fun!