Short:        The Ultimate Relay Driver
Author: (Bernhard Lindner)
Uploader:     turd-support bernhard-lindner de (Bernhard Lindner)
Type:         driver/other
Version:      1.50
Requires:     AmigaOS 3.x, ECS, 2MB RAM, 020/040/060 CPU
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 T.U.R.D. II  -  The Ultimate Relay Driver II  -  SHAREWARE
 This is propabely the best relay board controlling program
 available for the AMIGA. Really nice functions.
 Works with 8 channel relay boards for parallel interface.

 IMPORTANT: This could be the last update. If you want this
            software to be kept under development: REGISTER!

 Some of the planned improvements:
   - Included construction plans and support for high speed
     768-channel relay device
   - Frequency analyser for music window

   - Random-, timetable-, list-, direct-, music-steering
   - Amigaguide and online help system
   - Supports relay boards without Centronics protocol
   - Able to read digitizer data, hippo-linkable
   - Iconify function
   - Unlimited effect- and timetable-lists
   - Works without additional librarys
   - Needs no assigns
   - Localized (German, English)
   - Separate spooler process
   - Arexx- and message port
   - ...

 Greetings to all AMIGA users by...  Bernhard Lindner.