Short:        MUI Betascan Frontend
Author:       Michal Zukowski <rzookol>
Uploader:     Michal Zukowski <rzookol poczta onet pl>
Type:         driver/other
Version:      1.5
Requires:     hpdf.library
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 2.7

SCANdal is MUI betascan frontend. It uses
Betascan: scanner drivers.

- 1.0
  Scanning works  
  Changing mode (RGB, LineArt, Grey), DPI works
  PNG, JPEG, IFF Deep savers included

- 1.1
  Locales, (gui)fixes  
  Gamma slider (if scanner supports it)
  Brightness slider (if scanner supports it)
  Negative checkmark (if scanner supports it)
  Auto suffix adding switch
  Overwrite ask switch
  Project name changed: muiscan -> SCANdal
  First 68k version
  First OS4 version

  Bugtracker added:

- 1.2
  Contrast slider (if scanner supports it)
  Scanning speed is changeable (if scanner supports it)
  Polish and English docs
  Writing DPI info - PNG saver
  Flip horizontal and Flip vertical buttons added
  Context-dependent mouse pointers
  Scanning in preview mode added
  Printing with Turboprint drivers added
  Added scanner information tab
  "Scan and save" button has been activated
  Minor fixes for MorphOS 1.4.5, still needs Update and MUI4 Beta
  Added possibility to resize existing scan area frame
  In case of lack of memory proper error window is displayed
  EpsonUSB and Mustek scanners communication has been improved

- 1.3 
  Autocrop (works best with LineArt mode)
  Autoconnect tooltype, Connect button
  TIFF and PDF saver
  Fixed JPEG saver
  Sketch plugins support (NOTE: do not use plugins from MorphOS 2.4,
  latest plugins are included in SCANdal archive, plugins don't work with 1.4.5)

  Fixed Mode list (for gt68xx driver)
  Fixed DPI Radio (for gt68xx driver)
  Settings window
  Autoincrement filenames

- 1.4
  Crop added, Autocrop fixed
  Load images via Reggae and handling DPI info
  DPI saving in JPEG and TIFF saver
  MUI bubbles
  Ruler added
  Plugins removed from archive - use path in prefs for Sketch plugins from MorphOS >= 2.5
  Simple ADF support
  Stupid bug in Scanner Source handling fixed
  Brightness fixed for Epson scanners
  Small GUI redesing

- 1.5 
  Fixes, fixes, FiXES ...
  Halftones, sharpness and threshold support
  Sliders show float values
  Major rework of options handling
  Saving projects (default + named ones) and loading default automatically during Connect, projects
	are active only after connecting to the scanner
  Premiliary AREXX commands support with a help of Czeko who also did some cleanup in the code
    SAVE NAME/K/A,FORMAT/N/A, if You want some other Arexx api added just write an email to me
  Major rework of device prefs, one can select connection type (USB or other) to avoid confusion
  "Connect at startup" switch in prefs which automatically set tooltype in the icon
  Hidding bottom panel

 - Adding pages to PDFs
 - Port newer SANE drivers
 - Autorotate
 - Zoom

Turrican on freenode #AmigaITA for pointer images for OS3/OS4 :-)
Gumboy for English docs