Short:        old disk speed testing program
Author:       Michael Sinz
Uploader:     br103 city ac uk
Type:         disk/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


                          DiskSpeed v4.0
                           Michael Sinz

             Copyright (c) 1989 by MKSoft Development

                      MKSoft Development
                      163 Appledore Drive
                      Downingtown, PA 19335

 Yes, this is yet another disk speed testing program, but with a few
 differences.  It was designed to give the most accurate results of the
 true disk performance in the system.  For this reason many of
 DiskSpeed's results may look either lower or higher than current disk
 performance tests.

Note this is quite old!  Might crunch 2.0+ users' disks up...
Nick Ridley