Short:        Gui to compare diskspeed output
Uploader:     poseidon newswire gun de
Type:         disk/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

DSG is a gui-tool for diskspeed. Many people are using the old diskspeed
and of course it is a real good programm. But it is very diffecult to
compare the output of two devices. But now there is DSG! It allows you
to read up to 5 output files from diskspeed in the memory. DSG displays
them and allows you to compare them on the screen.

This is the first version of DSG, made within 2 days. There is only a
german guidefile yet. Write me if you want me to continue my work on
DSG. The programm itself is in english. If you have any questions
about it, write to


Listing of archive 'up:DSG1.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    2868     744 74.0% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56
    2868     746 73.9% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56  DSG/
    6342     990 84.3% 11-Jun-95 22:13:40  DSG/Data/CP3100.2091
    1740    1119 35.6% 14-Jun-95 16:09:02  DSG/Data/
    6340    1000 84.2% 11-Jun-95 16:21:06  DSG/Data/Q730L.2091
    1740    1119 35.6% 14-Jun-95 16:09:02  DSG/Data/
    6339     967 84.7% 11-Jun-95 16:47:00  DSG/Data/ST125N.2091
    1740    1118 35.7% 14-Jun-95 16:09:02  DSG/Data/
    2868     746 73.9% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56  DSG/
   44672   44672  0.0% 17-Jan-95 01:51:02  DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.lzh
    1740    1118 35.7% 14-Jun-95 16:08:38  DSG/DiskSpeed4/
    1792     786 56.1% 17-Jan-95 01:51:02  DSG/DiskSpeed4/DiskSpeed4.readme
    1740    1117 35.8% 14-Jun-95 16:08:38  DSG/DiskSpeed4/
   20064    8311 58.5% 14-Jun-95 16:17:18  DSG/DSG
    9687    3699 61.8% 14-Jun-95 15:49:54  DSG/
    1864    1283 31.1% 14-Jun-95 16:10:56  DSG/
    2871     904 68.5% 14-Jun-95 16:18:42  DSG/
   57451   19480 66.0% 07-May-95 13:22:04  DSG/libs/
  104440   50112 52.0% 05-May-95 12:22:50  DSG/libs/bgui.library
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  279166  140031 49.8% 14-Jun-95 16:36:02   19 files