Short:        TrinityPlayer v0.85 (SCSI/ATAPI player!)
Author: (Joseph Cox)
Uploader:     BootBlock Bigfoot com (Joseph Cox)
Type:         disk/cdrom
Version:      0.85
Requires:     OS 2.04+, SCSI/ATAPI CDROM
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  Finally! The new version of Trinity Player is released!

  Trinity Player's aim is to become the best-looking and
  most feature-packed  CD player available on  the Amiga
  computer.   It  has  almost been a year since the last
  release  (hey, I'm lazy)  so  you  can  tell a lot has
  been added.

  You can now draw your own interface graphics at  last,
  but this has a little drawback  of  a  longer  loading
  time - but it depends on your system really.

  TP has a shareware registration fee of £5 (yeah, yeah)
  but the only things disabled in the demo  version  are
  the loading/saving of CD ID files and  playing  tracks
  in the Song Editor with the right mouse button.

  Oh yeah,  don't  forgot  to  assign  TP:  to TP's main

    Take a look anyway - you WILL like it! Hopefully...

                                BootBlock/Satanic Dreams