Short:        Sets PLEXTOR CD drive parameters v1.10
Author: (Ronny Schuetz)
Uploader:     Ronny Schuetz gmx de (Ronny Schuetz)
Type:         disk/cdrom
Version:      1.10
Replaces:     disk/cdrom/PlextorControl.*
Requires:     OS2.0, SCSI controller, PLEXTOR CDROM drive / CD recorder (SCSI)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

'PlextorControl' can be used to set some parameters, like the drive speed or the
inactivity time of PLEXTOR SCSI CDROM and PLEXTOR CD recorders drives and to
control some behaviours of the drive.

PLEXTOR is a registered trademark of PLEXTOR Corporation.


 v1.10 / 06. August 1999
 - Support for PLEXTOR CD recorders added
 - Bug in the CD-ROM drive identifying routine fixed (-> Holger Hofmann)