Short: ByWater BASIC Interpreter v3.20c Author: (Michael Bergmann) Uploader: Michael Bergmann Type: dev/lang Version: 3.20c Replaces: dev/lang/bwbasic320.lha Requires: some love for BASIC coding Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Aminet Kurz: ByWater BASIC Interpreter v3.20c Bywater BASIC interpreter v 3.20c ================================= This is an UPDATE to bwbasic v3.20 - fixed some bugs - ported sources to SAS/C v6.58 for better optimizations - added some cozmetics. Bywater Basic interpreter v3.20c for classic Amiga, recompiled from original UNIX source. Published under GNU Public Licence. The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C. BWBASIC is an original creation of Ted A. Campbell, who stopped working on it in 1993. Since then it has received contributions from other programmers: Jon B. Volkoff, Paul Edwards, Howard S. Wulf, Ken Martin and Jon Foster. I recompiled bwBASIC from its original 3.20 sources, using gcc v2.95 and SAS/C v6.58 with only minor changes to the source code.(This release was compiled and optimized with SAS/C). Added some custom makefiles for various CPU/FPU targets. Same source easily recompiles under Linux and Windows, too. All you'd need is gcc or mingw installed on the target system. INSTALL ======= bwbasic comes with optimized binaries for FPU/IEEE/STD math. 1. copy bin//bwbasic to C: you might use a build that suits your Amiga, e.g. COPY bin/FPU/bwbasic_040 TO C:bwbasic 2. Make bwShell work: COPY s/bwShell-Startup TO S: Keep the original installation folder somewhere on your hard drive. It contains docs and examples for using bwbasic. Make sure that you have a decent version of ixemul.library available on your system. USAGE ===== Inside program, type: help - show all commands available. help commandname - show help for a specific command. list - list source code for the program currently in memory run - executes the program in memory from the start. new - deletes the program in memory and clears all variables. load "filename" - loads an ASCII BASIC program into memory. save "filename" - saves the current program into the file "filename" in ASCII format. shell "command" - lets you run a SHELL or DOS command within bwbasic. For example, to list the contents of the current directory, in Linux type shell "ls -l", in Windows or Amiga type shell "dir". edit opens C:Ed with loaded source file. quit - exits bwbasic. bye - does the same Michael Bergmann, March 2023