Short:        MPGui5xs.lha Source Code
Uploader:     mark topic demon co uk
Type:         dev/gui
Version:      5.5
Replaces:     dev/gui/MPGui54s.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Fix to version 5.4 - library can now be opened more than once!

Fix to version 5.3 - should now work on OS3.0!

MPGui.library provides an easy way to display simple single
column requesters with File, String, Number, Slider, Cycle,
Check, ScreenMode and List gadgets.

It uses a text input file to specify the format of the Gui.

Menus can be provided.

Bottom gadgets can be "Ok/Cancel" for normal gadgets or
"Save/Use/Cancel" for preferences requesters.

Normal Help and continuous Help is supported.

Keyboard shortcuts are supported.

It includes files which allow MPGui.library to be called from any
C program and includes some example source.

A more recent version may exist at:

Version 5.3 includes the following updates:

Text and MText gadgets.
Bug fixes.

Version 5.0 includes the following updates:

Source code released - GNU license.
Only opens version 34 of amigaguide.library
Refreshes windows when a requester is open