Short:        gnu ncurses-5.5 user runtime
Author:       see 'README.authors' inside the archive
Uploader:     megacz usa com
Type:         dev/gg
Version:      5.5-1
Replaces:     dev/gg/ncurses-5.5-usr-m68k.lha
Requires:     68020+/ixemul48+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

ncurses-5.5-1 - user runtime library

      - [28-12-08]
        ixlibrary ID has been changed to the one that can be found in: , if you dont use
        'ixemul' 48.3 then you have to find non-collisious ID in range 
        of 0 to 99 and patch it with 'ixidset' from 'ixidtools'.

      - [29-04-07] 
        oops i missed one important thing, '*.ixlibrary' model relies
        on linker script '*.x' that contains fixed positions to the
        functions, so there should be only one build of the library
        to avoid surprises.


This archive contains runtime library required by proggies compiled
with shared 'libncurses.ixlibrary' support + few common terminfos.

The library has been compiled in 68020-60 compatibility mode and
with some additional optimization flags.

To install on a user level, copy the library to the 'libs:',
and if you dont have 'gg:' create 'usr' directory somewhere in
your 'sys:' and assign it like this: 'assign usr: sys:usr'.

Another important thing is variable called 'TERM', it can be
either global('setenv TERM amiga') or local('set TERM amiga').
For your information: 'amiga' is MONO(with non-standard cursor
keys) and  'amiga-f' is ANSI, just browse 'usr/local/share/terminfo'
to see available terminfos.

Refer to full binary distribution('ncurses-5.5-1-bin-m68k')
for developer stuff and some more information.
