Short:        A file system browser with shell. V4.3.15
Author:       Free Software Foundation
Type:         dev/ade
Version:      4.3.15
Requires:     Amiga binary requires ixemul.library.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Origin:       Amiga Development Environment,

Git is a file system browser with some shell facilities which was
designed to make your work much easier and much efficient.

Gitps is an interactive process viewer/killer. It calls internally the
ps (1) utility so that's the reason why gitps parameters are in fact
ps (1) ones. Running gitps it is self explanatory. Use the arrows,
PageUp, PageDown, Home, End, ^N, ^P, ^V, ESC v to move in the list, ^L
to refresh it and F10 or ^G to leave. You can change these keys, just
read the sections [GITPS-Setup], [GITPS-Color], [GITPS-Monochrome] and
[GITPS-Keys] in the configuration file ".gitrc.TERM" .

Gitview is an hex/ascii file viewer. Too simple to need a separate
manual page. Use the arrows, PageUp, PageDown, Home, End, ^N, ^P, ^V,
ESC v to move in the file, ^L to refresh the screen and F10 or ^G to
leave. You can change those keys, just read the sections
[GITVIEW-Setup], [GITVIEW-Color], [GITVIEW-Monochrome] and
[GITVIEW-Keys] in the configuration file ".gitrc.TERM" .