Short:        NES Basic and NES ASM: develop NES games
Author:       Bob Rost, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough
Uploader:     spot triad se (Spot / Up Rough)
Type:         dev/cross
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

NES Basic and NES asm. Write your game in Basic, use NES Basic to convert it
to Assembly language and assemble it with NES ASM, and you have your ready
to run NES ROM, how cool is that!? :)

nesasm -- a 6502 assembler with specific NES support

This is a re-packaging of the nesasm assembler, so that nbasic users can
have it readily available to them. nesasm is part of the MagicEngine
MagicKit, for NES and TG16 development. The URL for the MagicKit homepage
is below.

The sources in this archive have been unchanged from the assembler
provided with MagicKit 2.51. The makefiles have been altered some,
however, to build the targets more easily for my tastes.

Binaries are in separate directories for each platform, and you may use
the source to build for a different platform if necessary. Note that in
some cases, you may need to make the binary executable:
 chmod +x nesasm

Depending on your platform, you may also need to specify the working
directory to run the program

I recommend that you put the nesasm binary in your system's bin directory.

-Bob Rost
author of nbasic and Sack of Flour