Short: AmIRC-Characterconversion Author: Tom <> Uploader: Tom <tom01 gmx-topmail de> Type: comm/irc Version: 1.6 Architecture: ppc-morphos Distribution: Aminet Kurz: AmIRC-Zeichensatzkonvertierung Charset.AmIPlug is a Plugin for AmIRC, which deals with different kind of Codesets. It provides general Character-Conversion-Routines for converting from one Charset (e.g. UTF8) into another (e.g. ISO-8859-1) or vice versa. In short: UTF-8 Support for AmIRC. Installation ------------ Copy Charset.AmIPlug to AmIRC/Plugins. Copy codesets.library to LIBS: Requirements ------------ ·AmIRC PPC v3 ·codesets.library v6.9 (v6.5 works too, v6.8 does not work) Thanks for helpful Bugreports are going to Krashan and Petteri Valli. Version-History --------------- 1.1 © Tom <> ·MUI Graphical-User-Interface ·Characterset-Conversion-Hooks ·query available Charsets ·AmIRC-load/Save-Mechanism. 1.2 ·Own UTF-8-Detection-Function added. 1.3 ·Local Inputconversion modified. Charset is now parsing the local Input itself and is sending raw messages to the server, in order to avoid the displaying of already converted characters in AmIRC. ·Check if the Data-Directory is present and create it, if needed. ·Even better completely new UTF-8-Detection-Function implemented. 1.4 ·ASCII-Detection enhenced 1.5 ·CTCP CHARSETVERS added 1.6 ·Sourccode imported to SVN ·new Makefiles, Buildsystem reworked ·Sourcecode reworked ·Privmsg-Parser optimized